TORQUE IT | IparioliPrk DuncanSt, Hatfield, Pretoria 0083, Gauteng



IparioliPrk DuncanSt, Hatfield, Pretoria 0083, Gauteng

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Torque IT only make use of vendor authorized course material, certified instructors, and lab facilities that exceed the international specifications as mandated by each vendor. Their training facilities are state of the art and they are recognized for their commitment to providing the highest levels of quality and Customer service. Each standard course that they offer is comprehensive both with regard to technology as well as best practise. Each courses duration and curriculum is defined by the vendor and is aligned to the applicable certification examination. If you require a holistic understanding of the technology in question and have certification as a desired outcome then this option is for you. Torque IT is accredited by Media, Information and Communication Technology, MICT Seta.

IparioliPrk DuncanSt, Hatfield, Pretoria 0083, Gauteng



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